Decrease Scouting Efforts For Underperforming Trees With Agerpoint
Improve efficiency of scouting and identification of underperforming trees
Our client was looking to make their scouting practices for insects, disease, and water issues more efficient. In addition, the goal was to be able to identify trees with issues faster than they would be manually identified.
Fused data to easily view data points for all trees at a glance
The benefit to fusion of ground and aerial data is the ability for advanced analysis of disease down to the individual tree level. In addition, the availability of year-over-year data allowed for sophisticated decision prediction and management.
Easter, and down to the individual tree, identification of underperformance
The combination of data via the Agerpoint platform allowed for easy identification of problem trees with cankers and marginal leaf necrosis. This data was delivered through a mobile app to show specifically which tree had issues as shown to the right – yellow trees are the ones that need to be scouted